On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 15:46:48 -0800, Sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can't believe you fell for that.

OK, keeping in mind:

a) I'm Australian and have only watched Fox News probably 2-3 hours in my life.

b) One of the reports quoted, seems to be indicative of the overall
picture presented by Outfoxed (that Fox is inherently biased). I have
no idea whether this is a credible institution, but if it's accurate..

c) So you completely disagree with the message of Outfoxed? That the
slogan "Fair and balanced" is deceptive and misleading?

d) If so, what are your reasons.

ANY documentary produced is going to have bias; because everyone has a
differing opinion, there is no way to create a documentary that
everyone will agree with.

> They Report, They Decide
> An anti-Fox News documentary shows a little bias of its own.
> http://www.opinionjournal.com/taste/?id=110005362
> Tilting at the Right, Leaning to the Left
> Robert Greenwald's 'Outfoxed' Has Its Own Slant on Balance
> By Howard Kurtz
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A41604-2004Jul10_2.html

Both opinion pieces, both underline what I just said above.

> Don't forget it was Fox that published the DUI story on Bush just days
> before the election almost giving Gore the win.

I had no idea. Bill Clinton slept around during his presidency and his
approval went up in the aftermath didn't it?

e) I'm pretty clueless about USA politics and the political climate
(from a citizens point of view) :)



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