>Regarding other DNS entries on the mail server IP causing problems, I've
>actually never heard that, I'd like to read more on that, I have a number of
>names going to a single IP for mail. Do you have any more info on that?

What Jochem said, you can't have additional reverse DNS entries. What I found 
with TW was that when I setup a new host entry with them, they were 
automatically plugging in a reverse DNS entry for that host. Lesson learned- if 
your ISP is hosting DNS, be familiar with how their system works.

>Rob, for your HD backups; are you using Windows Backup to back up the system
>state, or are you just backing up the files?

I do both. I regularly back up files, and I periodically (although infrequently 
to be honest) use Windows Backup to take a snapshot of my system. With Windows 
Backup, I'm mostly concerned about configuration changes. 

It's easier to recover from a crash if you have a backup of yesterday's system, 
but it takes a lot more work to maintain the backups. As long as you have your 
application code and your database schema (plus any default data it needs), you 
can achieve basic recovery from any crash. 

The question then becomes what tolerance you have for losing data. Can you lose 
a week's worth of data? A day's worth? An hour's worth? For the most part, I 
can tolerate a day's lost data. But look at a company like American Express. 
Even an hour worth of lost data would be a disaster for them. 

A secondary question is how quickly you want to be able to recover, but for 
small scale hosting, I don't think that's an important factor. The very worst 
that can happen to me is that I have to go buy a new PC (1 hour), install OS, 
database, app server from scratch (3-4 hours), load any code/data changes since 
that backup (2 hours). That's one business day as a worst case scenario. Not 
too bad.

In terms of configuration management, at work we use CF Enterprise and I have 
access to all the nifty Archive/Deploy functionality it contains. Very cool. We 
use it to build deployment archives from test that we push to production, and 
we take a baseline snapshot of a system every time we deploy code changes. So I 
can literally take a system back to its configuration at any point in time 
between production builds. I'm going to put together a writeup on how we do it. 

I was thinking of building something like that for use with CF Pro and for my 
own hosting. Not as robust as what Enterprise has, but useful nonetheless.

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