On Fri, 04 Feb 2005 11:32:24 -0500, Ray Champagne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My wife has been looking for a video like that.  Do have the URL of where
> you bought it?  I'd like to check it out for both of us.
> Ray
> At 11:25 AM 2/4/2005, you wrote:
> >A couple of weeks ago, my wife was watching an Oprah show that was
> >about people who had lost large amounts of weight.  One woman in
> >particular lost quite a bit of weight and now had very good muscle
> >tone.  She had used a program called Chicometrics.  My wife ordered
> >the DVD of the workout program.
> >
> >I previewed the program one day and decided it didn't really look all
> >that challenging and that it wouldn't be very beneficial to me to do
> >it.  Well, the DVD sat around for a couple of weeks and  my wife
> >showed no interest in doing the program.  Last night, I persuaded her
> >to try it and I would do it along with her.  We got 28 minutes into
> >the 1 hour workout and had to stop.  We had mainly done abdominals and
> >legs exercises by then.  I could barely stand.  We went to bed about
> >an hour later.  I couldn't sleep very well because every time I turned
> >in bed, my abdominal muscle would cry out in pain!  This morning in
> >the shower was a slow, painful process.
> >
> >The verdict.  This workout seems to be pretty good given that your
> >only equipment is a mat and a chair.  You're using small movements to
> >work your muscles.  It's almost like an isometric workout, but there's
> >a little more movement than that.  There's only 1 hour long workout on
> >the DVD, but during the workout, he'll show you variations you can do
> >to change things up.  The DVD seems a little cheesy, but it reflects
> >more that this guy isn't going for the glitzy workout look.
> >
> >We'll be doing this workout several times a week and hopefully I'll be
> >able to report some fat loss to you soon.
> >
> >
> >--
> >G-mail must not realize I'm and anti-social nerd, it keeps telling me
> >to "Invite 8 friends to Gmail"
> >
> >

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