$5.00 Per Site.

It has been a while so I may try awstats again

Yves Arsenault wrote:

>Ah yeah?
>I'm looking to set Awstats up for a client on their(my client's)
>server, and I was thinking maybe I would try setting it up on
>I might take a stab at it.... I believe uplinkearth's package did
>include perl, that's why I thought of Awstats.
>Did you get any error messages when you were trying to set it up, or
>just nothing?
>Are the urchin stats per domain, or per package?
>PS - Philly 7 - NE 0 .... 5:29 2nd....
>On Sun, 06 Feb 2005 19:37:17 -0500, ColdFusion Developer
>>I never could get awstats to work so I have had to
>>subscribe to their Urchin stats.
>>Yves Arsenault wrote:
>>>Hey everybody....
>>>I'm sitting here, working a little... watching the superbowl... 3.06 1st.
>>>I was wondering if anyone here hosts some sites with uplinkearth.com,
>>>and if you do what you use for web stats... I've used awstats on a
>>>couple of servers that I've been maintaining...

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