Yes, the fact it is from your external speakers is a lot less worrying.

In concur that with the others that it sounds like USB/Firewall connections 
being made or dropped, or some sort of similar connection.

Do you see the Add/Remove new hardware / removable hardware icon pop up while 
it happens?

As long as it is not a hardware motherboard issue, you'll probably have to go 
through the basic Software troubleshooting steps of booting to safe mode, see 
if you have the problem, and then selectively starting the system with various 
system services started/stopped. 

If you think it may be your USB mouse or keyboard, borrow some cheap PS/2 
alternative or use the USB - PS2 adapter to plug into the PS2 port and see if 
that solves the problem.

My motherboard temperature warning would operate from the system speaker, and 
would normally shut down the system. Similar with voltage problems. My little 
memory reseident motherboard program also emits a clear Alarm sound, not boop 
boops. If you have one of those resident programs you can check that when you 
hear the sounds to see if it is flashing red or giving other warnings.

You can use SpeedFan or Motherboard Monitor (free to try) to check your system 
temperature and the voltages across your power supply's lines to see if it's 
dropping out etc. 

You can also use the Performance Monitor and check the Interrupts to see if 
they are high, this usually indicated a problem with attached peripherals and 
accessories. Is there an unusually high System process in the CPU monitor of 
the Task Manager?


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