This fiasco brought to us by the people who "scrubbed" the Florida
voter rolls. Holy data security, Baman!

 Data Conned From Firm
ChoicePoint Case Points to Huge Fraud

By Robert O'Harrow Jr.
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, February 17, 2005; Page E01 

One of the nation's biggest information services has begun warning
more than 100,000 people across the country they may be targets of
fraud, following disclosures the company inadvertently sold personal
and financial records to fraud artists apparently involved in a
massive identity theft scheme.

ChoicePoint Inc. electronically delivered thousands of reports
containing names, addresses, Social Security numbers, financial
information and other details to people in the Los Angeles area posing
as officials in legitimate debt collection, insurance and
check-cashing businesses.
At least 700 victims have had their mailing addresses changed,
apparently by people connected to the scheme, authorities said.
Identity thieves often change the addresses of victims in order to
gain control of credit card offers and other mail. No one knows the
extent of the fraud or the financial impact, authorities said. Only
one suspect has been arrested.

Earlier this week, ChoicePoint officials said the records of about
35,000 people in California may have been disclosed. But yesterday,
the company said the scope of the scheme is probably much wider than
it originally reported. Company officials said they were sending out
more letters to 110,000 addresses throughout the country that may be
connected to the reports delivered to the fraudsters.

"We have reason to believe your personal information may have been
obtained by unauthorized third parties, and we deeply regret any
inconvenience this event may cause you," the letters say.

Authorities said the number of records involved may go higher as the
investigation continues. "This is way far more reaching," said Los
Angeles Sheriff's Department Lt. Robert Costa, commander of an
identity theft unit. "I believe that when we're done it will be more
than a half million nationally. It's huge."

Alpharetta, Ga.-based ChoicePoint maintains databases with billions of
records about nearly every adult in America, including credit reports
and criminal records. Over the past seven years, it has acquired more
than 50 other information companies. Like others in the industry, the
company routinely sells dossiers to police, lawyers, reporters and
intelligence and homeland security officials across the Internet.

The current case, reported earlier this week by MSNBC, comes at a time
when identity fraud and theft are on the rise, with as many as 10
million Americans a year falling victim to criminals who charge goods
in their names or empty their bank accounts. It follows scores of
other information breaches in recent years that have exposed
financial, health care and other identifying information of millions
of people, many of whom never discover they were put at risk.

In recent days, for instance, a group of former military and
intelligence officials were told they were at risk of identity theft
after thieves broke into offices of a government contractor and took
computers containing the Social Security numbers and other personal
information about tens of thousands of past and present company
employees. Millions of financial records have been stolen by hackers
from banks and credit industry companies in recent years.

Critics said retailers, credit issuers, information services and other
companies have not done enough to protect the extraordinary caches of
personal data collected over the past decade.

"This is an issue that goes beyond ChoicePoint. They're just one
company," said James X. Dempsey, executive director of the Center for
Democracy and Technology, which advocates for privacy and computer
security. "Both the industry and Congress need to pay attention to the
security of personal information."

Marc Rotenberg, executive director of the Electronic Privacy
Information Center, said the case raises important questions about who
is responsible when companies are tricked into releasing data.
"Companies such as ChoicePoint are operating with too little
oversight," he said.

Corporate headquarters of ChoicePoint, a Georgia company that was
tricked into giving out personal records. (John Amis -- AP)


• In Age of Security, Firm Mines Wealth Of Personal Data (The
Washington Post, Jan 20, 2005)
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The ChoicePoint case began unfolding last fall. Initially, company
employees assumed the requests for information were legitimate,
because the applicants appeared to work at registered companies in the
Hollywood area. But company investigators noticed that applications
for access to the company's massive databases were coming from Kinko's
stores, sometimes via fax machines.

A ChoicePoint official said dossiers, possibly including thousands of
credit reports, were delivered to personal computers over the World
Wide Web or mailed to suspects who had opened close to 50 accounts
with the company. The reports, including credit reports, typically
cost between $5 and $17, company officials said.

Last fall, the company sought help from authorities in Los Angeles,
and together they tricked a suspect into returning to one of the
Kinko's stores in late October. There, they arrested Olatunji
Oluwatosin, 41, of North Hollywood, who is set to appear in a state
court today on six counts of violating the state identity theft
statute, authorities said. Three of those counts relate to activity in
other states.

Investigators still do not know the extent to which the information
was used or resold. They have been receiving assistance from postal
inspectors. But the case has not gone as smoothly as investigators
would have liked. Police said that's in part because ChoicePoint did
not appear willing to quickly share information about the case, an
allegation the company denies.

"We've been following up on leads while waiting for ChoicePoint," said
Costa, the sheriff's department investigator who leads the Southern
California High Tech Task Force's identity theft detail.

ChoicePoint spokesman James Lee said the company learned for the first
time yesterday the case involved people in states outside California.
He said the company has done everything it can to bolster security
immediately and help with the investigation. The company also is
considering "fundamental changes" in security procedures and customer

"We're not to blame, but we're taking responsibility," Lee said. "The
people committing the fraud were smarter and quicker than we were.

"It's a wake-up call," he said. "Everybody needs to be ever vigilant
and diligent."

....they did not stop to think they died instead
then shall the voice of liberty be mute?"

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