There's a very easy answer to whether or not this should be allowed --
and I wonder that people don't hear it (or say it) very often... Every
judge knows beyond the shadow of a doubt, at the mere utterance of the
suggestion, that if the same case were brought and the subject were a
pentacle instead of the 10 commandments that the answer would be
absolutely, unequivocally, NO. So therefore the answer _must_ be NO
for the ten commandments as well. The case is only even given credence
-- the opportunity to succeed because it's a christian symbol and not
a symbol of a currently less popular religion. The same sort of BS
happened with a cop in Arlington TX who wanted to wear a gold cross
pinned to his uniform because he felt it would make people more
comfortable in the thought that he was there to help them... "yea, the
guy with the pentacle on his living room wall is going to be _SO_ much
more comfortable when you come into his house". Fortunately they fired
him when he refused to take it off.

> That the supreme court is hearing this case:

> index.html

> One of the arguments for this was that they are part of
> our countrys
> heritage.

> Last time I looked so was:

> Slavery
> Lynching
> Burning people at the stake

> Seems like if I really tried I could come up with tons of
> others.

> Do any of you believe that the court will allow the ten
> commandments to be
> displayed in the manner they are asking?

s. isaac dealey     954.522.6080
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