If you put in container gardens, do so at a height that is comfortable for you 
to work at. Like placing the planting bed at 32", and make them just deep 
enough to reach at least halfway across. That's the beauty of containers as 
opposed to traditional gardens.

Hot peppers seem to love to be root bound, so small terra-cotta pots work great 
for them.I often create holders out of wire in the shape of an elongated 8, and 
hang one pot over each side of a deck railing. Make the loops on the holders so 
the loop snugs below the lip on the pots.


I also recommend growing potatoes in old tires. Start with 2 tires and loose 
soil. When the shoot reaches about 5", place another tire on and fill with 
dirt. At the end of the summer, cick over the pile of tires (usually about 
8-10' high) and easily gather the potatoes.

Jerry Johnson
Web Developer
Dolan Media Company

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/03/05 11:41AM >>>
I have fabulous plans this year.
Container gardens
A great big workbench with lights and shelves
Stripping the wallpaper in the guest bath and painting

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