Since we're talking about codec/video funkiness...

i've got both the divx and xvid codecs on my machine and i think
(altho i'm not sure) that they are causing issues with Windows Media
Player 9 locking up with wmv files (actually it's the whole machine
that locks up...need to reboot).  This is on a win2k pro machine.  P4
1.5 GHz with a gig of RAM.

I've had this problem in the past, and remember trying to uninstall
the other codecs, and the issue with wmv freezing was not resolved
(that, and a couple of other lingering issues made me go with a fresh
fdisk and reformat...something i'm not inclined to do right now).

I -could- download the media player 'classic' from the link
below...but if anyone has any ideas why wmv's are killing my machine
with media player 9, i'd like to see if i can actually fix the problem
rather than work around it.

On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 14:20:30 +0000, JediHomer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All ive got installed on this machine (other than defaults installed
> in the OS) are XVid, DivX and MediaPlayerClassic.  No problems here.
> However... I have just run the file in WinAMP and it has no sound...
> Download and have a try with Media Player Classic
> and see if that helps
> On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 14:12:29 -0000, James Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > OK, here's me being stupid...
> >
> > I got it, I get video, I get no sound.
> >
> > Gspot tells me it is xvid video codec and an AC3 audio codec, both of which
> > are installed and working.  Gspot also renders it fine with no errors.
> > However, it will not give me any audio output from either Winamp or
> > MediaPlayer.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
> > --
> > Jay
> >
> >

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