re your question about environmental issues, I am a little taken aback
that anyone could question this, but I suppose these things are not in
the forefront of people's minds in New York City. My question is,
supposing I post some links, are we going to have to do hand to hand
combat on whether mainstream news sources are biased against W? In
other words, should I bother?

Re welfare issues, yes, this did begin under Clinton and to some
extent may have been a good thing. However, the trend continues with
cutbacks in Medicaid and Pell grants, both of which are programs that
could be described as investments in human capital. Not to mention
housing, AIDS research etc, etc. I think it was probably a good thing
to reintroduce the notion that people are expected to be productive
members of society. However, when peoople are limited to jobs that
require no education, they tend to turn to crime, as many an
east-coast inner-city demonstrates.

Anyway, if you are actually interested in a discussion of they greys
in all of this, let me know.

....they did not stop to think they died instead
then shall the voice of liberty be mute?"

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