Maybe a little overkill, but you could possibly drop in a 1px flash
file that plays the sound?

On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 11:43:15 -0000, James Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have tried this already...
> <embed src="./sounds/doh.wav" autostart="true" volume="100" width="144"
> height="60" hidden="true">
> as well as using the BGM_Conductor extention, both seem to require the
> Quicktime plugin for them to work and this raises 2 points...
> 1) I (and the company) don't want quicktime installing on all the machines.
> 2) I have quicktime 6.5.2 installed on my machine and the required plugin is
> 6.5.1 so it doesn't play on my machine either! (how stupid is that!)
> Surely there is a way to use Windows Media Player (already installed on all
> the machines) to play the wav file with the embed?
> --
> Jay
> > you might have to <embed> the sound rather than BSOUND for
> > mozilla based browsers
> > > For a while I have been using a dynamically generated bgsound to
> > > indicate success or failure, however after transfering the company
> > > over to Firefox it no longer works.
> > >
> > > <bgsound src="./sounds/doh.wav" loop="1">
> > >
> > > Any idea why and more importanty, how to fix it?

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