I think there should be laws against windows in homes as well.....
obviously, windows played a big part in some of these crimes...

Witnesses saw the crime through  a window. Man came crashing through
window, man escapes through window... Windows - Booo!!



On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 10:24:27 -0800, Ken Ketsdever
> Its time for Axe laws.
> All axes must be registered.  No axe can be purchased without registering it 
> and a five day waiting period (otherwise known as a cooling off period, you 
> can have a fire in five days when you have proven you only want to cut 
> firewood).
> All owners of Axes or Hatchets must provide proof of attending a Axe / 
> hatchet safety course.  This requirement may replaced if the individual has 
> proof of having earned any of the following merit badges Pioneering, Camping, 
> Outdoor fire safety, from Scouting (Boy Scout, Girl Scouts, Rainbow 
> Girls(nothing to do with San Francisco or Jessie Jackson) or any other 
> similar group that does not have ties to any radical, militant or terrorist 
> group.
> Hatchets longer than 12" and smaller than 18" need not be registered. Any 
> hatchet over 18" will be considered an Axe and will therefore need to be 
> registered.
> Hatchets under 12" need to be registered and one must obtain a concealed 
> weapon permit before transporting one in public.
> Anyone purchasing more than two of any combination of Axes and or hatchets 
> will be reported to the FBI and the department of Homeland Security as a 
> potential terrorist.
> All stores selling such destructive devices must report sales figures for 
> these devices on a quarterly basis. Likewise said locations need to display 
> Axe and Hatchet safety posters for public viewing.
> No axe or hatchet may be used on Federal Land without an Axe/hatchet use 
> permit in possession.  Permit will be limited to hours of use and times of 
> year.  The permit process takes approximately 8 - 12 weeks so planning your 
> axing in advanced.  There will also be a limit to the number of permits 
> allowed in an giving location at any given time.  The rule is one Axe or 
> hatchet permit in use per every 24 camp sites.  This will reduce the number 
> of axes being used at any one time.  This rule does two things.  First it 
> reduces the chance of axe fights or riots secondly it satisfies the efforts 
> of the tree huggers to reduce the amount of trees and other foliage being 
> senselessly hacked into firewood.
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> attachments is for the sole use of the intended
> recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged
> information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or
> distribution is prohibited. If you are not the
> intended recipient, please contact the sender and
> delete any copies of this message.

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