Yea, doesn't it suck when you can't do that stuff anymore?  I remember 
doing a similar deal with a chick friend of mine - vodka and OJ was our 
drink of choice.  It was funny to see - we were in our psych class with 300 
other people, yet the seats next to us were the last ones to be taken.  We 
just reeked of booze!

I miss those days sometimes.  Then I think about my liver....:)


At 02:26 PM 3/18/2005, you wrote:
> > Ray wrote:
> > LOL...that's a cool story!  Although, I would question whether or not he
> > was really a scout at all.  :) Geez, knife safety is one of the first
> > things that gets drilled into your brain.
> >
>He was!  He had all of the pins and badges and stuff prominently
>displayed in his room and he had a picture with Pres Clinton in his
>uniform (which at the time needed an update so I hope they're not the
>Of course he and I would also show up to our year of Friday Pascal
>classes with a 40oz insulated coffee mug full of beer.  When class was
>over at 4 o'clock we'd be hammered - then we'd go out drinking.  Man,
>was I pro back then.
>Anyway, maybe the "Friday Forties" killed the brain cells that
>harbored the knife safety data.

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