Gruss, let me worry about my living will. I am confident that it is
what I would need and this is not an academic issue for me.

I don't think you, even yet, have taken the trouble to understand what
I am advocating. Listen closely. We are starving a woman who is
possibly aware enough of her surroundings to understand that this is
being done, but not enough to understand why. Suppose for a minute
that this is a case of medecine not quite being up to diagnosing her
ten years ago and that it is now. Just suppose. We are starving
someone who possibly may not want to be starved in the name of a

I know that's a lot of "possibly" but none of them are outlandish. And
even if none of them are true, the dignity of human life, any life,
demands that we be sure of a person's wishes or best interests before
we kill them in the name of preserving their civil rights.



On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 21:10:47 -0600, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dana wrote:
> > No, it explicitly says I do not want my mother, my father or my sister
> > making any such decisions for me. But my point is that you cannot
> > superimpose your idea of family on this one.
> >
> Under the conditions you're advocating none of this would matter
> because the medical condition is one of the open questions.  So while
> you may have specified who your guardian is, you've probably not
> listed the infinite amount of circumstances that could befall you and
> what you'd like in each of those circumstances.
> That means anyone, including me, could legally challenge your
> guardian's judgement, motives, or intentions just as you're
> questioning Mr. Schiavo's.  The good news is, maybe you'll be famous!

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