so much for keeping it civil. Typical

My my what a witty and intelligent comeback. It must have taken you
quite a while to figure out that one.  I guess you are proud of your
education, again cannot use much more than single syllable words.

You are one of those people who make humanity ashamed of itself. 

I suggest that you should learn to use civilized english instead of
the crud that spews from your mouth like the fetid reek of your false

See little boy you don't have to swear to get the point across. Mind
you you seem to take your  cues from your wet dream idols, like Rush

And for the record, I was not the one to start swearing. If that is
all the pathetic rejoiners you can come up with, well maturity and you
do not seem to have even a nodding acquaintence.

On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 15:46:29 -0800, Sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Shut up already you stupid shithead! You attack and insult everything
> I say and turn around and call me the antagonist. You're too stupid to
> have a reasonable debate so you insult. Maybe another 10 years of
> school and you'll get a clue.
> Go eat ferret shit and die asshole. :P
> Everyone else have a nice weekend. :)
> On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 17:55:40 -0500, Larry C. Lyons wrote:
> > Insults are his stock in trade when it comes to discussion. I have yet
> > to see him do anything but go for the insult while logic and rational
> > discussion seem quite beyond his abet rather limited grasp.
> >

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