The bigger the wheel, the slower it turns.

I really like working for my current company, which i guess you'd call 
"middle sized". About 700 employees nationwide, about 40 employees in our 
local office here. All the benefits that go along with a big company, and 
yet the good "culture" and other benefits (flex time, etc) that go along 
with a smaller company.

> When I was with that small company I had some similar benefits. It
> really helped because we had a couple of ferrets that needed regular
> feedings every 3 and a half hours. So the boss suggested that I bring
> them in and take care of them in the office. There is no way I could
> do that here. In larger companies there's usually dress codes, less
> flexible hours, no bar meetings etc. Typically they tend to be less
> responsive to specific individual needs and a lot more bureaucratic. I
> also think that larger companies are really risk adverse. Just to get
> the MX upgrade took so long that by the time it was approved, MX7 was
> already out. Now to get approval for that upgrade I'm expecting that
> MX8 or Mx9 will have been released.
> larry

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