> -----Original Message-----
> From: Raymond Camden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 11:38 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Copyright question as it applies to show summaries, names of
> characters, etc.
> How does copyright apply if you write your own show summaries for a
> show? That is allowed, right?

If you want to do this "officially" in some way you'll probably want to get
a legal opinion.  But in general reviews, synopsis and scholarly works are
protected by fair use.

As long as you don't present any of the copyrighted material as your own
work and you limit your use to those segments of copyrighted material
required by your work you should be fine.

In other words you can't show an entire show or present the entire script
and claim it was needed for a review.  Where it gets tricky is either very
small works (a comic strip for example, which can be seen as a free standing
whole or just part of a larger episodal of work) or very large undertakings
(annotating an entire movie script for example).

Jim Davis

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