If that is Jewish law, and if you are a proponent of it, then I don't
understand why you have in the past argued against government programs
to help the needy.


On 5/9/05, Sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I said 2k I was referring to Jews whom created charity.
> http://www.sichosinenglish.org/essays/08.htm
> The tradition of Jewish charity dates back to their earliest origins,
> to Abraham, the first Jew: "For I love him [Abraham] because he
> commands his children and household after him that they shall keep the
> way of G-d to do charity and justice..." (Genesis 18:19).
> Besides the many commandments in the Torah instructing us to love our
> fellow man and be kind to the poor in specific ways, there is also an
> explicit commandment to "open your hand" to the poor, to give or loan
> them whatever they need to keep them from poverty (Deuteronomy
> 14:7-11). Jewish law requires us to give at least a tenth of our
> income (profit) to charity, and recommends giving a fifth as most
> praiseworthy.
> As for the rest of your rant...
> Sounds like your saying "nobody can do charity right so fuck-em. let
> the needy suffer"

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