On 5/11/05, Ian Skinner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <quote>
> so what do you suggest this man gets as punishment if he's convicted?
> </quote>
> And what would be the purpose of punishing such a person in a cruel manner, 
> what would it accomplish?
> Teach him a lesson so he won't do it again?  Locking him up for the rest of 
> his life also prevents him from doing it again, probably much more 
> effectively then any other choice except death.
> Use him as an object lesson to others considering such a crime?  But people 
> who do this kind of thing don't sit down and think about the consequences 
> before hand.

y'know, my first instinctive reaction to the question of "what would
it accomplish" was to deter others from doing the same thing.  but
you're 100% right.  I don't think these people employ any sort of
rational decision making processes to their actions.

however, if for no other reason than to give some sense of
satisfaction to those who loved and cared about these two little
girls...people who will have to live every day for the rest of their
lives thinking about the horrible way in which these girls
died...thinking about the fact that the person responsible is still
alive (or even died a 'humane' death)...I don't know.  I don't have a
lot of issues with a slow, painful death.  It won't bring back the
girls...but it might serve to give -some- sense of justice to those
who have truly experienced the loss.
i'm a pretty revenge-driven person tho, and I can accept that not
everybody feels that need for "getting even".  I do.

> Make one feel good that he got as bad or worse as his victims?  What does 
> that say about one?
> I say, yes the act was horrible, simply remove this man for society and be 
> done with it.  No need to behave horrifically just because he is a horror.
> I prefer the lock him up for the rest of his life approach over the kill him 
> approach.  While guilt is reasonably clear cut in cases such as this, there 
> are many more where the evidence is not as clear and there is just way too 
> many mistakes made that get the wrong person punished for me to be completely 
> comfortable with a punishment that is permanent and irreversible.
> --------------
> Ian Skinner
> Web Programmer
> BloodSource
> www.BloodSource.org
> Sacramento, CA
> "C code. C code run. Run code run. Please!"
> - Cynthia Dunning
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