> I had a recent coworker that thought I used to work in a
> cubicle (pronounced cube-is-uhl).

Is that like a cube-cicle?

> The funniest part is that most of these people used these
> fancy words to impress everyone else.  The saddest part
> is, in our little town, most people thought they were
> geniuses.  Or, is that genii?

How about "djinn"? :)

(According to dictionary.com yes genii is correct.)

> We've a friend with a son the same age as ours.
> When she admonishes him she yells "Josh, are you
> being haeve?" (instead of "are you behaving").

> We've never heard anybody else use that so we
> assume it's not a regionalism...

I've heard it before -- I think my ex has used it... but whenever I've
heard it I've always assumed it was kind of a joke... maybe like
"you'll be late as in the late Arthur Dent" is sort of a threat. :)

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

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