>7. The guys at the gym who think anyone has interest in them strutting
>around naked. Look pal, I am here to workout, shower, and go home. I am not
>talking about the people who walk from the shower to the lockers or sauna...
>but rather the guys who strut around with no other purpose than to show off.
>How about you show off your big swollen nuts after I put my shoes on and
>kick you there! Get a life and get out of the gym you meat heads.

This one really bugs me, too. At my gym we have private showers with shower 
curtains, yet some guys choose not to use the shower curtain and just let it 
all hang out in the shower. I don't know if these guys are advertising their 
goods, so to say, or just being inconsiderate, but either way, the fucking 
shower curtain is there for a reason- use it! 

>8. Entitlement by manufacturer. Ok, the DC area suffers from this to the
>max. We have all these yuppie, overpaid, living-beyond-their-means people
>who think that BMW, Mercedes, Lexus, Audi, __insert brand name here__
>entitles you to NOT use turn signals, NOT pay attention, NOT go the speed
>limit (or anything close to it), NOT park across 5 parking spots. All your
>car entitles you to is a higher car payment.... so go mail it in because it
>is probably late and I am on my way home and sick of dealing with you. 

hehe so true. what you haven't accounted for is that the whole "I don't see 
you, you don't exist, I'm in my own world" is not so much a yuppy thing as it 
is a DC power thing. It's just plain crazy. I explain it to people in San Diego 
with an example. Just go out on the street in downtown DC- the park at 
Connecticut and I St. is a perfect place to try this. Stand on the sidewalk 
during lunch hour and try to ask someone for the time. Not only will people not 
give you the time, they will ignore you to the extent that you will very 
quickly feel invisible. A great gag would be to walk around with a can of fart 
smell and spray it just as you ask people what time it is.

>9. Apple/Mac hardcore people. Your paltform is a platform, it doesn't wipe
>my ass, make me dinner, or anything else that Windows doesn't already do for
>me so stop trying to convince me you are so much better... if you were so
>much better we wouldn't be having this conversation in the first place!

Dude, leave the poor deluded Mac people alone. They are having enough trouble 
with reality as it is....

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