Yes, I did notice this (which is why my local-only version didnt work.)

I think google is actually fetching the file and applying it to the
page during the map request. The xml also can't be behind a password
protected area.

I spent the weekend getting lat/long values for all my db entries, so
I can start plotting them.

I also spent way too much time learning how to create Rocket ebooks
from cold fusion using the rbmake java classes, as well as reading and
writing metadata for .rb, mp3, pdb, pdf, jpg, gif

On 5/23/05, Deanna Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, has anyone else been playing with the google map stuff I sent out
> on Friday? I think I discovered that the xml file needs to be in a web
> accessible directory, but I'm not sure why. I can take the same xml
> file and read it in via cfhttp and it works. If I read it in via
> cffile, I get the map with the points, but the popups don't work. I
> would think it would all just fail, not just a part of the thing.

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