By and large the folks here are remarkably nice. Coastal transplants that I 
know constantly remark on this fact. I've come to almost take it for 

When it comes to raising a family and making a living...who needs touristy 
junk and trendy outlets? That's what vacations are for.

Oh, and Phelps is the effin' devil.

> It's a pretty average state, really.  The school boards are completely
> insane, Fred Phelps should be shot into space and Sam Brownback is a
> conniving troll, but in general, the people are very nice.  I'm finding,
> after moving to Olathe from Chicagoland, that our neighborhood is
> considerably more "realistically" multi-ethnic and multi-cultural than
> what we felt in Illinois.  Suburban KC is no different that suburban
> anywhere else, really (with all the good and bad connotations thereof).
> It's rather quiet here, the housing prices are great, and the amount of
> tech business coming into the area is pretty impressive.  There's also
> plenty of perfectly healthy alt/gay/youth/liberal/progressive/etc. etc.
> etc. culture here as well - it just doesn't make national news like the
> fundie nutballs do.
> - Jim
> Erika L Walker-Arnold wrote:
>>Yeah, exactly WHAT does Kansas have that makes people want to continue
>>to live there?
>>I would have assumed there would be a mass exodus out of that area over
>>the years...
>>##| -----Original Message-----
>>##| From: Gruss Gott
>>##| " ... and there's a really neat place to see in Kansas."

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