The Romans destroyed the Second Jewish Temple in 70 AD. Long before that, the 
Bablyonians destroyed the First Jewish Temple (aka the temple of King Solomon, 
built in the 10th century, BC) in 586 BC. Read your history, fellas:

If you take the long view of history, you have to see that the Jewish people 
have been living and praying in that very spot (the Temple Mount) for 3000 
years. So what you have at the moment is only the most current incarnation of a 
set of political and religious wars that has lasted for 3000 years. So when the 
Palestinians cry about being booted off of "their land", they are conveniently 
forgetting that it was the land of the Jews for millenia, even when it was 
ruled by other nations. 

Having said all of that, the Palestinians are not going away, and none of the 
Arab states are going to help them, so it is up to the Israelis to help make a 
home for the Palestinians, but the Palestinians have to be willing to accept a 
compromise, and until now, they haven't been. We'll see if they can now. 
Remember that Hamas still officially supports the destruction of Israel. That's 
an unwinnable position. Israel has nukes, everyone knows it, and if push comes 
to shove and their nation is threatened, they can wipe out everyone in the 
neighboorhood. Just like the US and Russia could have back in the Cold War (and 
still could today). 

On the subject of Bush and Social Security, no one raided any trust fund, 
including Bush. There is no trust fund, and the lie that there ever was a trust 
fund is the biggest sham perpetrated by the Federal Government in our 

If there were an actual trust fund, there would be trillions of dollars in it. 
What's really in the trust fund? A bunch of "IOU" notes from the Federal 
Government to the Federal Government.

Try this. Write yourself IOU notes for all the money you mean to invest in your 
retirement, savings, college funds for kids, etc. Do that for 30 years, then 
figure out how you pay for all the things that you need to pay for with those 
IOU notes. It's ridiculous. 

Did Bush increase spending? Yes. Defense has been big. Tax cuts (my favorite) 
have been big. The prescription drug benefit will be big, but Democrats carped 
on Bush for not providing an even more generous benefit. What was Kerry's 
solution? Import drugs from Canada. That's not a solution, that's a campaign 

Iraq was not the lynchpin of the Middle East, but it was a trouble spot, and 
more importantly a soft spot that we could exploit to apply pressure to the 
rest of the region. Despite the whinging of the New York Times, that is exactly 
what the Administration has done. Syria has withdrawn from Lebanon, certainly 
in part because of the huge American army sitting on their eastern doorstep. 
Some of our generals a(and a few of our politicians) are just itching for an 
excuse to drop a few bombs on Damascus, I'm sure.

The regime in Iran is under huge internal pressure from its population. Jordan 
is working on elections. Egypt looks like it may actually have something other 
than a sham election for President. The Saudi government is suddenly realizing 
that the extremist nuts they have been breeding for years hate them as much as 
they hate the U.S.

With respect to the Israelis, you know the U.S. Administration has to be saying 
to Sharon, we're here, we're not going anywhere, we have your backs, now just 
get on with the peace plan and see if the Palestinians are going to play ball. 
In other words, I think the U.S. presence in Iraq has a direct, positive impact 
on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But like I said, we'll see what happens. 

>> Sam wrote:
>> 3000 years?
>Yeah, I'd put it at more like 50.  And everyone wants to live in peace
>but they can't if they feel like they're being screwed and murdered. 
>So it's quite simple: find a way to make everyone feel like they're
>getting as good of a deal as the next guy and you'll find peace.
>The other way is to obliterate the other side.
>Now that Arafat is dead there'll be peace within 25 years, maybe even
>10.  Israel is pulling out of Gaza and really seems to want peace. 
>It's almost a mirror of Northern Ireland except there's no large
>American help.

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