There is so much wrong with this kid: * Racing down Hollywood Boulevard because she's pissed? Could have hurt someone. * Leaving the theatre like a spoiled brat? Needs to be spanked. (Volunteers?) * Requires 12 "handlers"? WTF? * 18 years old and sick from exhaustion? Quit partying 24/7/365. * Gets all better when told she is pretty? Vain little bitch. * Chokes down a single baked potato? Mary Kate and Ashley's long-lost sister? * Had sundaes at the pool? Did she let other eat them off of her body? Summary: Spoiled little rich bitch that hasn't earned any respect. Gained her popularity through the Disney marketing machine. However with all her flaws, I would bang her against her trailer wall like those other guys until her lights went out. M!ke ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble Ticket application Message: Archives: Subscription: Unsubscribe: Donations & Support: