<cf_applause magnitude="hella"/>

I don't like to see it happen, but I'm going to respect the right to 
protest - even if I think the protester is an idiot.


Gruss Gott wrote:

>I'll grant you it's disturbing, but  here's the problem: If you ban
>flag "desecration" you're elevating a symbol of the state to revered
>status.  The beauty of the American flag is that it stands for freedom
>- a moron can burn a thousand of them and what it stands for is more
>true with every burning.
>If we start making symbols of the state more important than what the
>symbols stand for then we'll lose part of what makes America great. 
>It also raises other questions such as which other symbols of the
>state are we going to protect with the constitution?
>Pictures of the President?  Statue of Liberty models you buy in NY
>gift shops?  Copies of the constitution? And then what is desecration?
> What if you have a flag t-shirt on and you get BBQ sauce on it from a
>4th picnic?  Do you go to jail?
>Also keep in mind the company we'd be in: Hitler, Mussolini, and
>Hussein all made it illegal because they had to to force their people
>to respect the state.  Is our democracy so fragile that we need to
>criminalize that which we claim to value?
>Remember the constitution is about the rights of citizens not the
>rights of the state.  We shouldn't use the constitution to ban
>everything that's disturbing and the Supreme Court has already ruled
>on this issue.  It's simply a challenge to the judicial branch by the
>Ultimately this is just a Republican attempt to create a patriot
>litmus test that they can use during the next election.  You'll be
>hearing this: "My liberal opponent doesn't even want to protect the
>American Flag."
>When there's so many important issues we need smart people for, this
>pedagogic attempt to appeal to emotions rather than intelligence is a
>new low for the Republicans.

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