On 6/23/05, Gruss Gott wrote:
> Yes.  Neo-con: someone who supports Pres Bush's philosophy of gov't as
> I've listed above.

I guess you have your own definition then :)

''Neoconservatism'' is a somewhat controversial term referring to the
political goals and ideology of the "new conservatives" in the United
States. The "newness" refers the term's origination as either
describing converts new to American conservatism (sometimes coming
from a liberal or big-government New Deal background) or to being part
of a "new wave" of conservative thought and political organization.

> Frequently when you discuss Mr. Bush or the modern Republican party
> you refer to their actions collectively with "we're" or "our".  For
> example you'll say, "we won and you lost."  That's means you're a
> neo-con.

I only say "we" when people on this list refer to Bush voters as
idiots, because I voted for him.

> You've supported and argued for every one of Mr. Bush's pork laden
> bills.  You've supported his tax "cuts" even though they were/are
> accompanied by spending increases.  That means you agree with Mr.
> Bush's "new economy" - the one where debt doesn't matter.

I happen to think what Bush did worked. The economy is doing well. In
2001 and 2002 I had to take a pay cut but now I'm making almost double
that and a lot more than I was making before that. Most people I know
that were out of work for years are back and work and making good
money. I personally didn't want the tax refund but had no trouble
spending it. Did you send yours back?
I agree he's spending too much but that's the Democrats fault for
losing control of the House and Senate :)
> You've supported his horrible Iraq policy (Rumsfeld Doctrine) and his
> destructive foreign policy (see Pew surveys).

Pew is a left-wing propaganda unit. Try Cato Institute or the Heritage
Foundation. Then figure to the middle :)
I think his foreign policy is doing well.

> You supported his morality legislation for Gay Marriage.  You
> supported his stomping on state's rights in the Schiavo case.

Actually I haven't. I don't support laws banning gay marriage but I
also don't think the institution of marriage should be altered. We
shouldn't have to make new rules to stop people from changing existing
rules :)
I fully support civil unions and rights equal to married couples. I do
not think the gay agenda needs to be so aggressive. Growing up in NY
I've always had close friends and or neighbors that were gay and
living together. Hard to avoid unless you want to :)
But to try to tell everyone that there lifestyle is perfectly normal
or even more normal than a heterosexual relationship is wrong. To
convince school children to experiment with gay relationships first
because they might be stressed by our society is also wrong.
Trying to bring back the moral culture of the Greek and Roman Empires
is a bad thing. Leave the moral structure of our culture alone and we
have no problem with gay rights. Go to NYC or San Diego and you'll see
Why should we change the rules about marriage now anyway, if we did
will we have to allow other groups to marry? What about Polygamy or
incest, maybe someone should be allowed to marry his daughter. How
about bestiality? That guy that raped his neighbor's dog could have
married her first and it would have been ok.

To you Schiavo was a States rights case, to me it was a human rights
issue. I think her rights as a potential victim of abuse were ignored
because her husband new the right people.

> If I'm mistaken what don't you agree with him on?

Here are a few off the top of my head, there's more but this should hold ya:)

Abortion, I'm for a woman's right to choose. I support late term
abortion only when the woman's life is in danger but that's too easy
to abuse so it's a sticky issue.
Stem-cell research. I'm definitely against Bush on this but I
understand why he won't turn his back on the religious right.
Borders. I'm half for amnesty and drivers licenses for illegals but I
think Bush needs to be stricter with Mexico.
Clinton. I can't believe he's buddies with Clinton. Can't trust that
man at all, plus it might help Hillary get elected.
His staff. He should have gotten rid of the Clinton team as soon as
possible, especially Louis Freeh and George Tennet.
Environment. I understand his position of these small mom and pop
factories that will go out of business but you can't save everybody.
Offer grants for updating or something.

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