I'm under the impression that prisoners aren't allowed to vote. 

We aren't talking about a constitutional guarantee of a right and even
some of those rights are taken away if you are guilty of a crime.
"Freedom of the press" doesn't mean "to do whatever the heck they
want." They do get in trouble when they knowingly slander people, for
instance. The Bill of Rights has been interpreted to allow reporters
to hide their sources. It's not really a guaranteed right. In this
case, the person being hidden is pretty much legally defined as a
traitor and the reporters who published the information have clearly
collaborated with a traitor by publishing the information. Not only
are they possibly guilty of a crime by publishing the information,
they are also impeding a treason investigation-- instead of using the
right to expose wrongdoing, they are using the right to hide

If they were being prosecuted, they could probably plead the fifth.
But if they did we would never know for sure who the source was and so
the reporters will get off for any crime they committed by publishing
the information.

I'm not saying that I necessarily agree with the decision but I do see
a valid reason for a distinction there and this is an extreme and very
specific case. I'm just hoping that they specified that. Has anyone
read if they specified that?

On 6/27/05, Larry C. Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's it exactly, you cannot have selective rights based on the
> person. Its the same basic philosophy with the ACLU - you have to
> protect the rights of everyone, even obnoxious or offensive types like
> the KKK or neo-Nazis.
"My mind is a scary place." The Tick

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