Possible Successors

Moderate Confirmation Opposition
Alberto Gonzales - Attorney General
John Kyl - U.S. Senate
Larry Thompson - General Counsel, PepsiCo (former Deputy Attorney General)

Substantial Confirmation Opposition
Samuel Alito - Third Circuit
Edith Brown Clement - Fifth Circuit
John Cornyn - U.S. Senator
Emilio Garza - Fifth Circuit
J. Michael Luttig - Fourth Circuit
Michael McConnell - Tenth Circuit
Ted Olson - Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher (former Solicitor General)
John Roberts - D.C. Circuit
J. Harvie Wilkinson - Fourth Circuit

Severe Confirmation Opposition
Janice Rogers Brown - California Supreme Court (soon to be on the D.C. Circuit)
Edith Jones - Fifth Circuit

Samuel A. Alito Jr.
Born 1950 in Trenton, N.J. Graduate of Princeton and Yale Law School.
Was assistant U.S. attorney in New Jersey before becoming assistant
solicitor general in 1981 and deputy solicitor general in 1985.
Returned to New Jersey as U.S. attorney in 1987. Nominated by George
H.W. Bush and confirmed to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in 1990.
Known among conservatives as a strict constructionist in the mold of
Justice Antonin Scalia. Abortion-rights activists point to his dissent
in the 1991 case of Planned Parenthood v. Casey -- in which he argued
to uphold a Pennsylvania law requiring a married woman to inform her
husband before getting an abortion -- as putting him in the anti-Roe
v. Wade camp.

Emilio M. Garza
Born 1947 in San Antonio. Graduate of Notre Dame and University of
Texas law school. Served in the Marine Corps from 1970 to 1973. Was a
corporate litigator before being nominated by President Reagan and
confirmed to a federal district court in Texas in 1988. Elevated by
George H.W. Bush and confirmed to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals
in 1991. Is on record as saying Roe v. Wade lacks a constitutional
basis and that states should have the right to limit abortion.

Alberto R. Gonzales
Born 1955 in San Antonio, Texas. Raised in Houston, the second of
eight children of an immigrant family. Served in the Air Force from
1973 to 1975. Attended USAF Academy, transferring in 1977 to Rice
University and graduating in 1979. Earned Harvard law degree in 1982.
Joined Houston firm Vinson & Elkins in 1982. Named general counsel to
then-Texas Gov. George W. Bush in 1994, becoming Texas secretary of
state in 1997. He was appointed to the Texas Supreme Court in 1999.
Became White House Counsel to President Bush in 2001. Nominated and
confirmed as U.S. attorney general in 2005. He has often been cited as
an attractive first Hispanic justice to the high court. However, his
Senate confirmation battle was heated, focusing on a 2002 memo in
which he called aspects of the Geneva Conventions "quaint." Also, many
hard-line conservatives worry his judicial leanings are too moderate.

J. Michael Luttig
Born 1954 in Tyler, Texas. Graduate of Washington and Lee University
and University of Virginia law school. Was assistant counsel to the
Reagan White House. Clerked for Justice Scalia when he was a judge of
the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. Clerked for
U.S. Chief Justice Warren Burger from 1983 to 1984. Was nominated by
George H.W. Bush and confirmed to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals
in 1991. Has close ties to several high-court justices, both
conservative and liberal. A supporter of the death penalty -- even
before his father's murder in a 1994 carjacking. Has penned several
opinions considered anti-abortion, including one reversing a
lower-court decision against a Virginia ban on so-called partial-birth
abortion and another that backed the state's law to require parental
notification in teen abortions.

Michael W. McConnell
Born 1955 in Louisville, Ky. Graduate of Michigan State and University
of Chicago law school. Clerked for Supreme Court Justice William J.
Brennan from 1980 to 1981. Was assistant general counsel to the Office
of Management and Budget from 1981 to 1983 and assistant to the
solicitor general from 1983 to 1985. Taught at Chicago Law School from
1985 to 1996 and has been teaching at University of Utah law school
since 1997. Nominated by President Bush in 2001 and confirmed in 2002
to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. Known as a brilliant
conservative scholar of constitutional law who has openly supported
overturning of Roe v. Wade or limiting its reach.

Theodore B. Olson
Born 1940, in Chicago. Graduate of University of the Pacific,
Stockton, Calif., and University of California, Berkeley's Boalt Hall
School of Law. Was an assistant attorney general in the Reagan
administration. As partner in the Washington, D.C., law firm of
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, he argued numerous cases before the high
court. Represented George W. Bush against Al Gore in disputed 2000
election. Nominated by President Bush and confirmed as U.S. solicitor
general in 2001. His wife, Barbara, died Sept. 11, 2001, in the
hijacked plane that crashed into the Pentagon. He resigned in 2004 to
return to private practice. Comes with no bench experience or record
but has lent his courtroom skills to traditional conservative causes,
including overturning or limiting affirmative action.

John G. Roberts Jr.
Born 1955 in Buffalo, N.Y. Graduate of Harvard College and Law School.
Clerked for Justice Rehnquist when he was an associate justice. Was
special assistant to the attorney general from 1981 to 1982, associate
counsel to the Reagan White House from 1982 to 1986, and principal
deputy solicitor general from 1989 to 1993. Tapped by President George
H.W. Bush in 1992 for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia, often regarded as a stepping stone to the high court, but
the nomination stalled because of the pending election, and he
subsequently joined law firm Hogan & Hartson. In his government and
private roles, he argued numerous cases before the Supreme Court.
Senate Democrats initially filibustered his renomination to the D.C.
Circuit Court but he was confirmed in 2003. He is associated with the
push by the Reagan and first Bush administrations to overturn or limit
Roe v. Wade.

Larry D. Thompson
Born 1945, in Hannibal, Mo. Graduate of Culver-Stockton College,
Canton, Mo., and University of Michigan Law School. Was U.S. attorney
in Georgia from 1982 to 1986. Served in the 1990s in an array of
government roles, including independent counsel probing corruption in
the Department of Housing and Urban Development in the Reagan
administration. Was a member of the Republican legal team in the
contentious confirmation of then-nominee Clarence Thomas in 1991.
Nominated by President Bush and confirmed as deputy attorney general
in 2001 under John Ashcroft. Resigned in mid-2003 to return to private
practice, and currently is general counsel to PepsiCo. Known for his
antipathy to affirmative action, though is considered more moderate
than long-time friend Justice Thomas. Conservatives cite him as an
attractive choice to become the second black justice on the high

J. Harvie Wilkinson III
Born 1944 in New York City. Grew up in Richmond, Va. Graduate of Yale
and the University of Virginia Law School. Ran unsuccessfully as a
Republican for the House of Representatives in 1970. Clerked for
Supreme Court Justice Lewis F. Powell from 1972 to 1973. His career
has spanned many roles, including law professor at University of
Virginia and deputy assistant U.S. attorney general in the
civil-rights division. Nominated by President Reagan and confirmed to
the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in 1984. Known for his vigorous
questioning during oral arguments. Key opinions include a ruling
upholding President Clinton's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy
concerning gays serving in the military and a 2002 opinion all but
foreclosing judicial review of a citizen held as an enemy combatant.
The Supreme Court vacated that opinion, ruling that both citizens and
aliens held as enemy combatants may contest their detention in court.

Another prospective candidate is Edith Hollan Jones, a judge on the
Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals who was also considered for a
Supreme Court vacancy by Mr. Bush's father.

More info about her here:

And, of course, Janice Rogers Brown.

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