> Na.... Rove is more like General Greivous. Cheney is the Chancellor who
> you don't know is the Sith Lord, and Bush is... Darth Idiot.

 I can see the Cheney/Chancellor thing, but then, nobody has _ever_ mistaken 
Cheney for a champion of democracy...
 I refer to Rove as Vader because of his uncanny ability to use the force 
for evil. A mere wave of his hand has the press chasing phantoms and 
believing the lies as gospel (Swiftboats anyone? McCain a turncoat/traitor 
for breaking under torture?).
 I disagree with the Greivous/Rove pairing simply because he is too adept at 
using the force...perhaps Grievous/Rumsfeld?
 Bush is a Dark Lord, no doubt about it and his mastery of the Dark side of 
the Force is surpassed only by his apprentice, Vader/Rove.
 Think about it. Rove simply has to suggest that he, "finds your lack of 
faith...disturbing." All it takes from him to shut up a nosy reporter, 
scared to lose "access." Rove's power is seemingly limitless...


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