I'd be willing to bet perls HTTP request would complete faster (never
tested it though) and thier RegEx implementation is hands down faster
than CF's. That being said I still agree with Mike though no language
is going to complete this much faster than 2 hours.

Back to the async Gateway idea if you shot off 7500 async calls I am
guessing bad things could happen..if not on the CF server end of
things Amazon may interpret that as an attack.

When i made the price comparison for amazon at my previous employer I
ran 100 products each hour through the day. However each item took up
to 20 seconds b/c sometimes we would hit the server 10+  times per
item (and sometimes amazon is slow to respond)  b/c I wrote code that
would navigate through the shopping cart to get the hidden prices :)
Each hidden price took 3 hits, I think, so if 5 merchants had hidden
prices for an item that would be 16 total hits for 1 item.

Adam H 

On 7/6/05, Michael Dinowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In this case Perl will only save you a few milliseconds per request if using 
> screen scraping and a good RegEx. No language is going to make the whole 
> thing take less than 2 hours from what your describing.
> On the otherhand, the Amazon web service will probably save you a second per 
> request as its avoiding the UI and all. Problem is, there may be an issue of 
> gathering all of the prices from Amazon. You have to read their terms

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