All that racial hostility? I haven't noticd that in Cincy at all. If
anything I have seen more interracial marraiges/relationships here
than anywhere I have been. Now downtown inner city might be slightly
different, but most hostility there is more gang realted than race
related. My biggest gripe is the highways around here are horrid only
made worse by the lack of usefull secondary roads. I can either be
stuck in bumper to bumper traffic or drive down a croweded 2 land road
with stoplights every 1 mile, only to watch a green light fade away
while I am stuck behing the metro in the right lane and the poor
driver waiting to turn left right next to the metro in the left lane
(yes this has heppend to me on more than one occassion). I can;t
remeber the author but someone said once I want to be in Cincinnati
when the end of the workd comes b/c it is always 10 years behind, I
have to agree. THats my biggest complaint about living in Cincinnati.

Adam H 

On 7/6/05, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> right. When I was job-shopping looking to get out of DC, I was offered
> a job in Richmond CA for five or six thousand more. Trouble was, as
> far as I could tell I'd be communting at least a hundred miles one way
> to make that work...I declined. I make less money in Albuquerque but I
> also need less.
> PS - Dayton was ok, too flat for me though. Cinncinnati might be
> interesting, but then there is all that racial hostility to contend
> with.
> Dana
> On 7/6/05, Adam Haskell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am lokoing at houses in 120-140s in Cincinnati Ohio 2-3 bedrooms 1-2
> > baths, some with basements partially finished. All of these well
> > within an hours car ride (in heavy traffic) to Downtown Cincy (about
> > 20-30 miles).Since I tend to work early morning and leave early or
> > really late my trip is ussually only about 35 minutes. Inorder for me
> > to move to DC  my income would have to be nearly double what it is
> > here. I used to think that I was getting screwed with CF developers
> > getting 80k+  and here I am way below that,  then started realizing
> > these jobs are in DC and other high cost of living areas. We live
> > quite comfortabley with a single full time income, though (my wife
> > works part time as a courier for a law office ( she makes enough to
> > pay for her meds, dvd obsession, and cable). We'll be getting a house
> > in the next few months. If we could afford a 160k house our house
> > selection would more than double.  Move to Ohio and fight for the 10
> > CF jobs available ;) Or take your 80k+ and telecommute and move to
> > Dayton Ohio (north of Cincinati west of Columbus)  my parents live in
> > a very nice suburb, Huber Heights) have a 4 bed, 2.5 bath, 2 car
> > garage, .68 arcres,  2 story house (brick) with a sunroom probably
> > would go for about 170k max.  I wish it was closer I'd live there in a
> > second.
> >
> >
> > Adam H
> >
> > On 7/6/05, SStewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > But.... what does the average CF developer down there pull in?
> > > We've got an office in Charlotte, and they 'd love to have my fiancée' 
> > > down there, but I'm IT and they want all of us in the same spot.
> > >
> > > sas
> > >
> > > Scott A. Stewart,
> > > Web Application Developer
> >
> >

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