> So, I was putting together a playlist for today, and
> decided on the
> above as the topic.

> Here is what I started with. Can anyone throw some more
> into the list?

> Heaven - Los Lonely Boys
> Angel Eyes - Jeff Healy Band
> Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppilin
> Knockin on Heaven's Door - Elvis Costello
> Blashpemous Rumours - Depeche Mode
> Tears in Heaven - Eric Clapton
> Dear God - XTC
> Losing My Religion - REM
> Live for Today - Lords of the New Church

The Rebel Jesus - Jackson Browne (appropos for today I think)
Imagine - Beatles? Or was that just Lennon?

Not sure if it's a good fit...

A few Cat Stevens tunes iirc...

Morning Has Broken (afaik this had been a christian hymn since long
before Cat)
The Wind (maybe in the same category as Imagine)
Oh Very Young (again, maybe the same category as Imagine)
I Think I See the Light

He recorded some others that I personally associate with thoughts of
heaven / god that probably won't fit in your category, Home from the
Numbers album, which has this chorus:

Forever forever your lamp will burn
Forever home forever would that you'd learn
That you came with nothing
So with nothing you'll return

There's a Jesus reference in Fire and Rain (James Taylor -- don't know
if he was the original artist)

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