> Candle In The Wind - Elton John

I'll have to listen to that again (in spite of how played-out it is)
.... seems like an odd pick... being a tribute to Marylyn Monroe from a
stereotypically gay man... has more to do with the obsession gay men
have with her (or at least their culture) than with any kind of
religious inclinations... but then that may not be obvious from the
lyrics, it's been a while since I've listened to it.

> I'm A Believer - Smashmouth

The Monkeys... Smashmouth was a cover... seems like an odd choice
too... it's more of a love song really...

Speaking of the Monkeys, Pleasant Valley Sunday oddly enough doesn't
have any references to religion at all, but it reminds me about

All the Lonely People - the Beatles

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
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