Again with the blaming Al Qaeda. The official findings are that the
evidence points to a group "associated with Al Qaeda." I'm "associated
with" all of you. "Associated with" means basically nothing. I'm not
saying that Al Qaeda isn't bad; I'm just saying that you should be
accurate when laying blame.

One thing that people fail to take into account with terrorists is
that their biggest demand, even if unstated, is "Pay attention to us."
Whatever group did this has probably already achieved their goals
without even listing any demands. They have our attention. They want
us to say that we aren't going to give into their demands because not
only are we paying attention, but we are actively refusing to fix
something that might actually be a problem. They give us a reason to
actively refuse to fix a possibly legitimate problem and our refusal
to fix it gives them the ammunition to recruit more members. In some
cases it encourages us to invade some foreign country killing innocent
people, giving them more ammunition for recruiting members.

This is about one group's attempt to get power, not about achieving
their stated demands.

On 7/7/05, G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Al Qaeda bombed some trains in Spain, and the government promptly gave in to
> their demands and pulled out of Iraq. I said at the time, no matter what you
> felt about the war, this was a VERY dangerous precedent being set. Sadly, it
> was a matter of time before the same attack was employed somewhere else.
> You simply cannot give in to terrorrist's demands.
"You can't destroy EVERYthing. Where would you sit?" The Tick

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