> You know - it just does my heart good when clients pop up
> and say about
> our recent app:

> "it's gotta be the best app of its kind I've used so far
> :)"

> Really pumps a person up! :)

> Anyone else get pats on the back for a job well done?
> They are so important! :D

I think I've typically got 1-3 of those at any given job I've had...
They're not frequent, but I get them... at the place where I work now
the one that stands out in my mind was the inventory builder, a small
application we use internally for entering data to generate visual
maps of the condo buildings at our project sites. It's mostly
javascript. Before I got here it was apparently a pretty arduous
process, now it's pretty easy. That and fixing the ActivScan control
-- funny that got me such a big thank you from my boss...

At my first job with MCI/Worldcom their "mission critical" worfklow
app just broke suddenly with no explanation after I'd been there a
couple weeks. 2 weeks later they had a new from-scratch version (this
was my first experience with CF 3 and I wasn't able to diagnose the
existing app). I got a number of people who used the app regularly
called in to the office for something else and thanked me for it while
they were on the phone just because they happened to get me on the
phone. And you know, like Ken Fergusson was saying recently, the big
reason for the thank-you's was something really simple... I matched
their previous entries (name of manager, name of department, phone
number, manager's phone number, etc.) with their email address in the
form, so when they went to the form most of their contact and
personel-related info was pre-filled.

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

add features without fixtures with
the onTap open source framework


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