There is evidence. It was presented at one or another of the hearings
(who cares which at this point) and the judge chose to disregard it
because Schiavo is so obviously a nice guy :)  Which is par for the
course and really not that surprising.

There almost never is enough evidence because women don't talk about
it, families don't talk about it, and when they do they are not
believed because good old so and so would never do a thing like that.

So it is not exactly earthshaking to hear that the county that felt
there was no evidence of domestic violence now feels that there is no
evidence of homicide, fifteen years after the fact.

By the way, Shiavo's subsequent girlfriend *did* accuse him of
stalking her and threatening her children. She was not believed at the
hearing because she got the hell out of dodge rather than call the
police at the time.


On 7/8/05, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dana wrote:
> > One possible reason (supposing for a moment that there *was,* which I
> > know you disagree with, but suppose) was that garden-variety domestic
> > violence was routinely blown off at the time. But they are not going
> > to *say* that. Come on.
> >
> I'm very open to the possibility that there was domestic violence.
> The problem I have is that there's not a single shred of evidence to
> indicate there was any and nobody has accused Mr. Schiavo of domestic
> violence since.
> For example,  if Mr. Schiavo was a spouse abuser either then or now,
> why isn't there any police reports or eyewitnesses to say so?
> If there's no evidence to support such a claim why are we making it?

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