They weren't the government though, and the conventions require the
combatants be in uniform and carrying an id card.

-----Original Message-----
From: Larry C. Lyons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 9:43 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: speaking of


What I was taught at the CFB Borden OCS was that the US was a
guarentor power. In other words this nation guarenteed the application
of all but the 1952 (the only ones the US has not signed) of the
Geneval Conventions. Also I think it can be argued since the Taliban
was the government in power at the time the soldiers fighting for them
cannot be considered illegal combatants.


On 7/11/05, loathe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1. The US is not a signatory of the Geneva Convention.
> 2. From our classes, and we never went into articles, us dumb grunts don't
> need to know that sort of stuff, we were told that if they weren't in
> uniform and they weren't carrying a government issued military id card
> they were saboteurs or spies and could be summarily executed.
> Now of course I went to basic training almost a decade ago.  Not sure if
> things have changed since than, but I doubt it.
> Tim
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 1:26 PM
> > To: CF-Community
> > Subject: Re: speaking of
> >
> >
> > Sam wrote:
> > >
> > > The prisoners in Gitmo didn't honor the Geneva Convention so it does
> > > not apply to them.
> >
> > Could you elaborate as to which part of the Geneva Conventions
> > you are referring to? I can not reconcile that statement with
> > what I read in them.
> >
> > Many of the people in Gitmo are to be considered PoWs under
> > article 4a2 and 4a5 of the Third Geneva Convention. Any
> > disagreement as to whether certain detainees can claim to be PoW
> > has to be resolved following the procedures under article 5 of
> > said convention. Until such proceedings have resolved the issue
> > the detainees are to be considered PoWs.
> > Proceedings under article 5 have not taken place so everybody
> > claiming to be a PoW is to be considered a PoW and to be treated as
> >
> > Furthermore there are those in Gitmo who are labelled
> > 'saboteurs'. Even if we accept that label these people are still
> > protected unther the Geneva Conventions. Under article 5 of the
> > Fourth Geneva Convention these people are to be considered
> > protected people that have lost their communication rights for as
> > long as required for the security detaining party. All other
> > rights remain intact, and one can hardly claim that it is still
> > in the interest of US state security not to permit these people
> > the communication privileges normal PoWs have.
> >
> >
> > If you feel I have missed something in my summary of the position
> > of the Geneva Conventions on the people detained in Gitma, please
> > be specific as to which articles of which convention you feel I
> > have missed.
> >
> > Jochem
> >
> >

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