Would that be the "Spurned English Major" argument, the "Anonymous 
Internet Contrarian" argument, the "Lunatic Fundamentalist" argument, 
the "Children Should Be Reading Dickens Anyway" argument or the "I'm 
Different, Look At Me" argument?

- Jim

Nick McClure wrote:

>So what is the argument of people that claim it isn't?
>And do they think Tom Sawyer isn't literature?
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Dana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 4:24 PM
>>To: CF-Community
>>Subject: rolling my eyes
>>There's a huge hair-pulling fight going on on one of my lists as to
>>Harry Potter is literature... I mean, who cares! Just venting... carry on.
>> Dana

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