They're actually pretty useful in some situations.  Walking around the 
grocery store, jawing about something or asking what kind of cereal to 
get?  Not really.  Working simultaneously at far-flung locations (data 
centers, construction, etc.) and needing to have immediate 
communication?  Definitely.

It serves the same purpose as, carrying around a separate public band 
radio would, it just uses cell service instead of GMRS band (or 
whatever).  And, to play devil's advocate, Nextel/Sprint don't charge 
minutes against using the walkie-talkie feature, either for personal or 
corporate accounts, so it's a cheap way to eke some more time out of 
your plan.

/And/, at least as was the case when I had my Motorola i530 "Special 
Class" phone, you didn't have to have the walkie talkie play through the 
speakerphone, you could use it just as you would normally, holding it up 
to your ear.

Come to think of it, I haven't had a phone set to "ring" in several 
years.  I always keep them on vibrate and turn off all the extraneous 
tones and music.  However, I may be too tempted to use Aphex Twin's 
"Come to Daddy" if I ever get a phone with MP3 ringtone capabilities.

- Jim

Ben Doom wrote:

>>public should be, all those walkie talkie things should be illegal in
>I hate the walkie talkie thing.  I can never understand it.
>>Did they think that Captain Kirk looked cool when he held his
>>communicator up to talk?
>Well.... yeah.

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