I don't think you need to be so sarcastic. I do not think its called for.

As far as the police were concerned, was it an innocent reason. He
came from an apartment block they had under surveillence, he was
acting erratic and very suscpicious, he was wearing a unseasonably
heavy and concealing coat, and going towards the subway. There had
just been a set of horrid bombings and then another set of attempted
bombings. They did not have the luxury of sauntering up to him saying
"Excuse me sir, this is the police.could we search you for

I can imagine what would have happened next if it had been a suicide
bomber - they would have been picking pieces of cops all over the

You are applying american values to a very different country. You need
to look at it through British eyes first then judge.

On 7/25/05, Jennifer Larkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yeah, well you know, being in the country on an expired passport must
> be a hanging offense in Britain. Especially if you are there on an
> expired visa after having been recently granted entry to the country,
> there to work to get money to send home for your father's cancer
> treatment.
> Being in a country on an expired visa is a crime but it's not exactly
> a serious one.
> Now that you've proven that he had a fairly innocent reason to run
> from the police, are you still saying that he deserved to die because
> he ran from the police?
> On 7/25/05, Larry C. Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Also it looks like the guy did have a reason to avoid the police.
> > Apparently he was in Britain on an expired visa,
> >
> > http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/4713753.stm.
> > --
> > The Brazilian man shot dead by police who mistook him for a suicide
> > bomber in south London had been in Britain on an out-of-date visa,
> > security sources say.
> >
> > Jean Charles de Menezes, 27, may have run from police because of his
> > visa situation, BBC correspondents say.
> >
> > The electrician had come to the UK on a student visa, which allows
> > people to work for a small number of hours.
> >
> > Relatives of Mr Menezes deny his visa had expired and are considering
> > suing over the Stockwell Tube shooting.
> --
> "You can't destroy EVERYthing. Where would you sit?" The Tick
> Now blogging....
> http://www.blivit.org/blog/index.cfm
> http://www.blivit.org/mr_urc/index.cfm

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