My comments are inline.

Larry C. Lyons
ColdFusion/Web Developer
8870 Rixlew Lane, Suite 204
Manassas, Virginia 20109-3795
tel:   (703) 393-7930
fax:   (703) 393-2659
Chaos, panic, and disorder - my work here is done.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Benjamin Falloon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 1:28 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: Massive blasts rock Central Jerusalem :(
> You read into my words through your own stereotypical view of 
> non-mainstream
> thinking...

What is the difference between your statement here and a racist statement.
You are making the same set of presuppositions here.

> My original post concerned the discussion surrounding the so called
> 'celebrating Palastinians'. My critisism was limited to a discussion
> concerning oppinions on this footage. Having said that, I 
> don't welcome you
> putting words in my mouth concerning my position on the 
> Taliban and their
> oppressive regime.

To quote you:
Furthermore, it's representation is more often designed to promote this kind
of discussion by manufacture of 'stories' (one of these being the
celebrating Palistinians, another being the oppression of women in
Aphganistan for example).

The stories about the Taliban oppression of women was not manufactured. This
was a deliberate policy of the Taliban and happened all over the areas of
the country under their control. Their veracity is beyond doubt. Several of
us have given you evidence well beyond the typical big media sources - e.g.,
Amnesty International, Human Right Watch and the Revolutionary Afghan
Woman's Association ( 

As for the celebrating Palestinians, multiple news sources - American,
European and others, filmed it independently. It happened. 

> You've attempted to discredit my criticism of corporate owned media by
> insinuating that I support the Taliban because I mistrust the 
> news. Your
> conclusions are weak. You can label my words as "liberal 
> mantra" if you
> wish, but in my oppinion this does your position no credit as 
> it implies
> you're more interested in labels and stereotypes then a 
> discussion of any
> real depth.

You are no liberal, even by Australian standards. You tend towards knee-jerk
anti-american statements and pro-taliban ones. Someone who was truely left
wing would have been far more actively involved against the Taliban, rather
than the blind unthinking anti-americanism you demonstrate. Its merely

> Keep watching television Howard. It appears to do you a lot of good.

Keep being ignorant Benjamin, it protects you from independent thought.

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