Hm, I'm not sure the that monogamy = disneyism. I mean, I'm
monogamous, but I have lots of friends, each of whom fulfill a
different role for me. The only way in which I'm monogamous is that
only one tab A gets inserted into slot B, so to speak. I'd agree that
becoming insular as a nuclear family is a dangerous proposition.

On 7/28/05, S. Isaac Dealey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> identify as bisexual), but I'm not going to tell
> >> them that it will be easy or that they will ever
> >> find that one person who fulfills them completely
> >> (which I think is a Disneyism anyway).
> >>
> >> I think monogamy might work a lot better in a
> >> culture in which families / communities were more
> >> involved with each other -- that is -- our culture
> >> seems hell-bent on this idea of making your
> >> monogamous romantic partner your sole source of
> >> social fulfillment (or in the case of metrosexuals
> >> yourself). As time passes we're gradually eroding
> >> all our other social interactions outside of those
> >> that occur with this monogamous partner if not
> >> solely with this partner. Or so it seems to me...
> >> I don't think I'm alone, although I've been told
> >> on more than one occasion that I'm "just whining"
> >> about some imaginary thing I've invented.
> > Nope.  I'm there with you on this one.  I'm not
> > looking for someone to be my end-all-be-all-answer
> > -to-everything.  I'm looking for someone who fills
> > some of the places not filled by my sisters,
> > parents, friends, etc.  The best relationship I
> > ever had included her going out with the girls
> > regularly, and me geeking out with the boys.  :-)
> Well it seems fairly easy to find people who agree with that
> sentiment... The reason people tell me I'm whining about something
> imaginary usually is because they disagree that our culture is
> encouraging the Disneyism... Personally I think that the mere fact
> that we have the Disneyism (exemplified by Cinderella, Beauty and the
> Beast, the Little Mermaid, etc.) is sort of anecdotal evidence that
> the culture is really driving in that direction of eroding vertical
> social involvement.
> There is also this little matter of that whenever I am depressed and I
> reach out to people, I frequently hear "cling to (insert significant
> other's name here)! The two of you can get through it all
> together!"... Don't get me wrong, I LOVE tiff... I just don't know
> that I really feel that any single person can or should be my only
> source... And sometimes it's not even because the thing that's on my
> mind has anything at all to do with our relationship -- sometimes it's
> because I'm excited about something she's not interested in, and
> sometimes it's because I need to bitch to someone who hasn't heard
> about the subject of the bitch session from me before.
> It's increasingly frustrating to me that I find it rather easy to find
> friends who will talk with me and seem to genuinely care (like several
> from this list) but that it remains difficult to find friends locally
> who have time to spend in person. (Don't get me started on the
> catch-22 that is looking for a boyfriend.) I'd like to hope that also
> has a lot to do with my location -- it certainly seems that my social
> options are more limited here in Ft Lauderdale than they were in
> Dallas... Unfortunately I'm still not at a place where I seem to have
> any ability to decide where I want to live, so I'm more or less
> "stuck" with the social climate I find myself in geographically. At
> the moment that means my friends locally are my co-workers, and that's
> just a crappy place to be... My co-workers are nice people, but you
> can only share so many common interests with someone you only met
> because you needed a job and happened to be good at constructing SQL
> queries.
> hiring manager: So... how do you feel about the work of George Orwell?
> applicant: Is that a technical question?
> hiring manager: No, I'm just so lonely... will you be my friend? Would
> you like some champaG'n?
> s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
> new epoch : isn't it time for a change?
> add features without fixtures with
> the onTap open source framework

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