Well yeah, I pretty much knew that before reading it. It's part of
their components that talk to each other and it's called "DataSet".
But there's a crapload of conceptual density in that description that
still leaves me scratching my head as to whether the doohicky will do
what I want or not and how to make that work.


On 7/30/05, C. Hatton Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Makes complete sense to me - the Dataset is nothing more than a
> grouping of records... a connector component tells Flash how to access
> the database directly (sounds akin to a DSN to me), the user interface
> is a cfoutpout of the dataset (aka recordset) and the resolver is the
> action set that takes the data and generates the update query.
> That's what it translates to for me at least... and I've only had two B2E's ;)
> Hatton

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