I met Marc Singer at Wizard World Chicago last summer - he looks 
/exactly the same/.  Tanned, same 1983 hair, everything.  He was talking 
to some 12-year old kid about aerobics or something when I left.  I wish 
I'd asked him to do the hawk call now.  I did, however, bring a giant 
black panther with me, but he refused to squeeze it.

- Jim

G wrote:

>Watched the Beastmaster again this weekend on HBO....what a terrificly 
>horrible movie that I just can't help but watch over and over again.
>I have a buddy who will do the Marc Signer "hawk call" at random times when 
>we are out at a bar or whatever....i'll double over laughing every 
>time....people just stare at us.
>>I picture him on weekends recreating specific scenes from The Beastmaster.
>>Trebuchets, swords and skeleton keys and baby oil would be needed
>>props in that case.
>>(Why else would he own ferrets?)
>>On 8/1/05, G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Why am I not in the least bit surprised that Larry owns a table-top
>>>trebuchet? Just seems like something you'd have, for some reason.....

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