I wonder how IDers explain this?


Very Old Eggs Reveal A Fast, Changing Path Through Evolution
August 5, 2005; Page B1

Biologists studying how species change over the eons have always been
hampered by the little problem of previous generations of a species
being, well, dead. Sure, you can infer something about what a creature
was like from fossils, but fossils generally fail to preserve much
except bone. As a result, some of an animal's most interesting
features vanish into the dust of time.

But these days, not even death is forever. A few years ago, biologist
W. Charles Kerfoot was examining "cores" -- basically, muck deposited
decades earlier -- in a Michigan lake. Lo and behold, he and his
colleagues discovered eggs, and not just any eggs. They had been laid
long ago by tiny creatures (mostly insects and crustaceans) that no
longer lived in the lake. Even better, there was still life in the
eggs. Under the right conditions, they would hatch.

"We knew right away that we were founding a whole new field," says
Prof. Kerfoot of Michigan Technological University, Houghton. "I call
it 'resurrection ecology.' " By hatching the eggs one muddy layer at a
time, he realized, he could compare one generation with another to
investigate evolutionary change.

It has always struck me as odd that evolutionary biology is
caricatured by opponents as being static, a tower of unchanging (and
unchangeable) dogma dating from Darwin. In fact, it is full of
competing ideas, new discoveries and bickering scientists.

In his resurrection work, Prof. Kerfoot focuses on eggs of a tiny
water flea, Daphnia retrocurva, from Portage Lake. He sieves them out
of the deep muck, pops them into an incubator, and is a proud papa a
few days later. "We've resurrected eggs from 300 years ago," he says.
"That's 3,000 generations, equivalent to 120,000 years of evolution
for humans."

And evolve is just what the little guys did. Daphnia share Portage
Lake with creatures great and small, including predators, such as the
shrimplike Leptodora. Prof. Kerfoot wondered whether the daphnia were
doing something that biologists had hypothesized, but had struggled to
prove -- namely, that the Red Queen in "Alice in Wonderland" was
describing evolution when she told Alice, "It takes all the running
you can do, to keep in the same place."

In evolutionary biology, the Red Queen Hypothesis means predators and
prey must evolve like heck just to keep from falling behind (and to
remain able to hunt or elude capture).

Sure enough, daphnia eggs taken from muck with a high population of
predators hatched into veritable warriors: They had long spikes on
their tails and an impressive helmet, the better to make themselves
too prickly to eat. "But as predators became less abundant, spine
length and helmets became smaller," says Prof. Kerfoot. "Evidence for
the Red Queen is very strong here. It looks like these populations
really are changing just to stay in place."

He isn't the only scientist tinkering with classic Darwinism. The
reigning theory of the molecular basis of evolution is that whether a
mutation takes hold depends solely on natural selection: beneficial
mutations last, detrimental ones disappear. But something else may be
at work.

If a slew of mutations show up at once, more of them endure,
scientists led by Bruce Lahn of the University of Chicago report in
the July issue of Trends in Genetics. In my world, that's like an
editor flooding you with dozens of suggestions for changes in your
column. You're unable to fend them off, so more survive than if the
requests come one-by-one over time.

Thousands of scientific papers presume that the fraction of retained
mutations depends solely on how beneficial they are. "This theory has
been the workhorse of molecular evolution," says Prof. Lahn. His
discovery that a gene accepts more mutations when many hit at once is
counterintuitive and controversial; a handful of journals actually
rejected his paper. But if he is right, the molecular underpinning of
evolutionary biology is itself in need of mutation.

Another pillar of evolution is that natural selection sculpts species
toward some ideal fitness. In fact, what's "fit" is a matter of
opinion. Consider the males of a little reptile called the
side-blotched lizard, which come in three kinds. Orange-throated
giants beat up on their diminutive blue-throated rivals, which in turn
lord it over tiny yellow-throated guys. You'd think the yellows would
eventually die out.

But natural selection is more forgiving than that. The yellows are so
beneath the contempt of the oranges that they are able to steal
assignations with females attracted to the oranges' territory. As a
result, the yellows reproduce and survive.

Just as the game rock-paper-scissors has no single winning strategy --
it depends what your opponents choose -- so in lizard-dom there is
more than one route to evolutionary fitness.

Critics contend that evolutionary biology is a haughty club that
forces members "to circle the wagons against any and all would-be
challengers, and to achieve consensus on the most contentious issues,"
Michael Shermer, director of the Skeptics Society, has written. "This
conclusion is so wrong that it cannot have been made by anyone who has
ever attended a scientific conference," or dipped so much as a toe
into the roiling waters of evolutionary research.

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