> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 3:35 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: Got some Comics
> I don't have them in physical, but....

Well, if that's an offer I'll take it.  ;^)

I've not gotten into the "non-physical" side yet... but it keeps tempting

I'm just so anal-retentive when it come to these things.  I probably spend
more time on the computer converting, sorting and tagging music, books and
video than actually using it.

Adding comics to that mix would just suck away any time I might have left.

> I also have the author's original stuff from his days writing the
> Elementals
> and related comics.

Right now I'm working through a 6 year back log.  I've done most of the easy
stuff... now I'm about to dig back into the "Superman" books which is
daunting to say the least.

Do I start from the beginning of my collection (15 years worth of several
titles) or try to figure out where I left off?  Do I make any attempt to
follow the diamond numbers or just "wing it" since they stopped using them?

In any case, no matter what I do it'll probably be several months before I
come up for air...

Jim Davis

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