Sure, very reasonable.  Although I do distinctly remember writing some 
IE-only (...sigh... intranets) apps about that time that could have 
benefited from /one less/ hidden iFrame or what have you. 

Regardless, it is nice to see Javascript back on the prowl.  All those 
obtuse Javascript hacks I've learned over the years can be put to use 
again, only this time, as /AJAX/ hacks.

- Jim

John Dowdell wrote:

>Jim Campbell wrote:
> > What's interesting about this sudden upsurge in Acronyms,
> > Jargon And eXtraordinary hyperbole (AJAX)....
>ooohh... quotable.... ;-)
>>is that all of this capability's been around for several years, 
>>but is just now taking off thanks to Google, Signal 37, Panic, etc.  
>>It's kind of frustrating in a way....
>Those 2005 examples were one spur to the sudden realization, but also I 
>think that the measurable increase in Firefox's audience had an effect 
>on many people too... if you tried doing a live data request from the 
>browser in 2002 people would have scolded you for making an IE-only web 
>page. Now that Firefox has significant share the social perception of 
>XmlHttpRequest has changed.
>Does this seem reasonable to you too...?
>(The varied browsers eventually converge on new abilities, it just takes 
>longer than for a single engine... there's also less reason for 
>browsermakers to add exciting new features, because they don't get paid 
>for that work.)

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