I dunno... Asside from the fact that this wouldn't work with Tiff
(because no sex toy is ever designed to accomodate heavy-set people --
I guess they assume only thin people deserve to have sex) but it
doesn't look to me like it would actually accomplish anything...
rather it looks like the idea is for you to do what you normally do
and just have this thing between you... in other words: getting in the

> Kevin sent me this link in a IM a week or two ago. But,
> instead of
> "not work safe" he typed "work safe." He's just reallly
> lucky I'm in
> an end cubicle and no one sees my screen most of the time.

> On 8/12/05, Marlon Moyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Just in case you didn't see it in the subject ***** NSFW
>> *****
>> http://www.bodybouncer.com/
>> --
>> Marlon
>> "A mulatto, an albino, a mosquito, my libido"

s. isaac dealey     954.522.6080
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

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