Don't forget the Irgun influence prior to your list of modern history points.


On 8/15/05, Robert Munn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My point is that, if you disregard the historical claims of all parties and 
> only address the modern state of Israel, it boils down to this:
> 1. The United Nations negotiated a plan to divide the territory into two 
> states
> 2. The Jewish Authority accepted the plan
> 3. The surrounding Arab states all voted against the plan in the U.N.
> 4. When the vote went against the Arab states, they bailed out on the U.N. 
> and attacked Israel.
> 5. In the last 60 years Israelis have defended themselves against armed 
> aggression by Arab states and non-state actors like the PLO, Hamas, Hebollah, 
> and Islamic Jihad.
> 6. In that defense, Israelis have occasionally curtailed civil rights and 
> property rights, stepped on the authority of the PA, even briefly occupied a 
> section of southern Lebanon in an attempt to build a security buffer. Civil 
> rights advocates could take issue with any of these things, but none are any 
> more extraordinary than steps that other free nations, including the U.S., 
> have taken during times of conflict.
> 7. Despite their serious military capabilities, the Israelis have never tried 
> to fight an offensive war against any of their neighbors.
> 8. Israelis have consistently eschewed fighting in favor of negotiation.
> 9. Arabs have consistently eschewed negotiation in favor of fighting.
> 10. Palestinians have waged a media war in the last two decades to portray 
> themselves as the victims of Israeli aggression. The fool of a woman sitting 
> in front of Bush's ranch in Crawford with a sign saying "Israel out of 
> Palestine" is a perfect example of someone who has swallowed the Palestinian 
> spin without understanding the facts of the conflict.
> I believe the Palestinians used the historical name Palestine (from the Roman 
> Syria Palestina, which is derived from Greek for philistine- man I love 
> Wikipedia) to try to strengthen their claim to the territory, but when you 
> read the facts, it turns out a third of the "Palestinians" were Jews, and 70% 
> of "Palestinian" land was owned by the government.
> Moreover, the Arab Israeli conflict, started when the U.N. had only just been 
> born, represents the total failure of multilateralism through the United 
> Nations.
> >I don't quite understand the whole deal:
> >
> >- Who occupied the land before Israel was created? I mean RIGHT before
> >Israel was created, not in the BC?
> >- Were the Palestinians moved from the Gaza Strip in order to create Israel?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Matthew Small

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